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Our Surprise Twin Pregnancy Announcement Last Christmas

Can't believe its already been a year since we surprised our closest family with the news of our twin surrogacy pregnancy. It was definitely a great start to a magical holiday for us and our family. At the time we were only about 8-9 weeks pregnant so we kept it hush, but wanted those closest to us to reap the happy news and we definitely were bursting at the seams with excitement and dying to share it as well!


How we did it!

We invited our immediate family to a Christmas Day Brunch at our home, consisting of both of our parents, our grandmothers, Dennis' brother, sister-in-law, niece and nephew, and Daniels aunt and uncle were in town, so they joined in as well. Our plan was to have everyone exchange all their gifts early on, clean up all that mess, and then we setup a bench in front of our tree, and would give a joint gift to both our mothers. Turns out, this plan worked magically, to a T! Everyone was completely oblivious to our plan, even though I think we were nervous and extremely anxious and sweating under our pajamas (it was a pajama brunch).


When the time came, we called both our moms to the bench we placed in front of the tree, and handed them the joint gift to open together. We had our cameras on-the-ready and captured it all for the World to see, in its amazing glory with all the stunned faces and reactions! In the gift were two onesies that read, GUESS WHAT? and NEW TO THE CREW. It was the surprise of the year, of candid perfection! Daniels aunt saying, "Is this already?" over and over, captured it perfectly, and confirmed the fact that they had no idea this was coming now! Our families had an idea we had started our process, but we did not provide any further details and they somehow thought the process hadn't worked out the first time around, but were optimistic for another go-around the following year. Little did they know, it not only worked, but both embryos stuck and twins were on the way. Check out their faces below for yourselves... lol!


Operation Tia (Aunt) Surprise, Next!

After a successful family surprise on Christmas Day, the remaining immediate relative to surprise was Daniels sister, Nicole. We had preplanned a Disney vacation with her, and were scheduled to meet inside Magic Kingdom, two days after Christmas. We weren't sure when or how the surprise would take place but we put our caps on and agreed on surprising them right away, within the first ten minutes of meeting. We setup a mock photo with Disney photographers and pulled Nicole and her four kids (our nieces and nephews) to a turfy area that was more quiet, but still had Cinderella's castle in the backdrop and right before we took the photo we handed her a gift from us.


We had purchased two baby onesies inside Magic Kingdom prior to their arrival, as we had accidentally left the ones we had already purchased at home (too much excitement, I tell ya!). Nicole also thought the process hadn't worked as we provided her no details either, so it was a total shock for her as well. It was a joyful moment for all of us, and many tears were shed. Soon after the reveal, we all sat down and explained where we were in our process and informed the kids as well as to what surrogacy was, in the simplest of forms, of course. They already understood that we were together and so the rest was just icing for them, they would soon have more cousins to share in beautiful memories with. Check out the snaps of Nicole's reaction below.


YouTube Video

In this case, words can't really show the wonder of excitement as much as the actual video capturing the moment it all occurred. Check it out below and don't forget to like, comment and let us know what you thought. Thank you for your love!


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